Facepunch / sbox-sdf

Library providing marching cubes / squares mesh generation

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Rotated TextureSdfs get offset from their intended position

trundlr opened this issue · comments


In Grubs, we allow players to rotate girders, which are created using TextureSdf.

Currently, applying a rotation to a girder seems to offset the position by an undesired amount. A texture with rotation 0 seems to place in the correct position, however.

Desired Behaviour
Since we need to transform a TextureSdf after creating it, it would be nice if the Transform worked appropriately. I also can't help but think it would be nice to be able to just pass into a midpoint into the constructor.




public void AddTexture( Texture texture, int gradientWidth, float worldWidth, Vector2 position, Rotation2D rotation, Dictionary<Sdf2DMaterial, float> materials )
	var textureSdf = new TextureSdf( texture, gradientWidth, worldWidth );
	var transformedTextureSdf = textureSdf.Transform( position, rotation );
	foreach ( var (material, offset) in materials )
		Add( SdfWorld, transformedTextureSdf.Expand( offset ), material );
var girderTexture = Texture.Load( FileSystem.Mounted, "textures/texturestamps/girder_sdf.png" );

var terrain = GamemodeSystem.Instance.Terrain;
var materials = new Dictionary<Sdf2DMaterial, float>();
foreach ( var mat in terrain.GetGirderMaterials() )
	materials.Add( mat, 0f );

// Offset mouse position by width and height since the textureWidth passed into the SDF is multiplied by 2.
// This allows the Texture to spawn directly at the player's mouse position.
var position = new Vector2(
	Grub.Player.MousePosition.x - girderTexture.Width,
	Grub.Player.MousePosition.z - girderTexture.Height );

	girderTexture.Width * 2,
	new Rotation2D( RotationAngle ),
	materials );

Oops, didn't see this when I did apetavern/grubs#242 which demonstrates how to rotate around any point.

I'll add an optional parameter to choose a midpoint / pivot, maybe between (0,0) for the bottom left, and (1,1) for the top-right.

The question is then what would you expect the default to be @trundlr, maybe (0.5, 0.5) for the center?


Yeah, 0.5, 0.5 makes sense 👍 Thanks again!