Fabricio20 / HubBasics

Bukkit Plugin For Hub Owners

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jump pad "Power" option is inconsistent or hits an upper limit

I-Knight-I opened this issue · comments

Been testing with the "Power" option in the config and it seems like it has diminishing returns or just isn't consistent in general.

At super high values, the jump pad just throws you in a random direction and you can either lose or gain a few blocks in momentum. None are able to consistently provide more than 38 blocks of momentum.

2020-01-13_01 02 57

Hey there B-Knight49, yes, you are correct, the Jump Pads do have a limit of power.

Reason is that they are used in a math equation and applied as the speed vector to the player, which has a limit in Minecraft.

We are doing this equation currently.

I'll check tomorrow (if I don't end up forgetting) to see if there is any tuning that can be done on this, as well as actually documenting the max value of this feature.

Gotcha. Just looked up the velocity limit myself; that sucks.

Some people are saying speed potions could be a good workaround. Having messed around with the /effect command in the past, I know you can get speed at level 94 which is absolutely absurd. Could be a possible solution if you can find a nice and optimal way of implementing that...