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Fabric server crashing when disassembly contraption

MistGo opened this issue · comments

Describe the Bug

When I disassembly the contraption, my server crashing. After restarting, all contraption duped with the items in his chests.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Make contraption using cart assembler
  2. Assembly contraption and add some items
  3. Disassembly contraption using cart assembler

Expected Result

Disassembly without crashing the server.

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log


Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods

tsasatus-1.0.0.jar -- private mod

Additional Context

No response

what inventories are on the contraption

what inventories are on the contraption

only chests

I have a similar issue. It happened when a rope pulley contraption with chests attached came back up to its original position. When the server started again all items duped. Super glue is still in the air even after picking up the contraption.

Similar issue. I have a miner thing and when I put it in a Cart Assembler, the server crashed and when I restarted it, all the blocks in the contraption got duplicated as items on the ground. https://mclo.gs/As34vSi

With more testing, it seems to happen if there are blocks in the way of the creation

Can confirm this occurs with the rope pulley, however I don't have any blocks in the way at the time of disassembly

I think this is a dupe of #1038

From my testing a crash occurs on any contraption that goes back to solid blocks after a mounted inventory has had items taken out of using shift-click when it still is an entity.

Any plans to fix this? Really number 1 problem crashing server all the time.

Is anyone working on this? I suggested two ways to fix this in #1264 but the issue was marked as duplicated so I moved here for further debates. imho just double-checking emptiness in ItemStackHandler#nonEmptyViews/ItemStackHandler#nonEmptyIterator on the porting-lib is the best way to remove bugs without any side effects.

Confirmed on patch f


This occurs very regularly for me as well

Could somebody help me with where this fix gets applied? I didn't see it in the changelog for Patch F on the forge variant and @IThundxr says it's confirmed on F. I also don't see the relevant change cherry picked into the 1.20.1/fabric/dev branch. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance!

Already fixed in patch F, not sure if it was a change in porting lib or create