Faalagorn / PZ_RadioData_Converter

Converts Project Zomboid's RadioData.xml file into WikiMedia format.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Converts Project Zomboid's RadioData.xml file into WikiMedia format.


Download necessary version from Releases.

Requires Java 8+


Open the JAR by double clicking or utilizing java -jar PZ_RadioDataParser.jar from the commandline.

Some fields may be prepopulated:

  • The input file field will be prepopulated if a file named RadioData.xml is present in the directory that the JAR is present in.
  • If the input file field is unset, the input file field will attempt to populate it with a RadioData.xml file based in the following locations based on the user's OS:
    • Windows: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/radio
    • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/radio
    • Other (Linux, likely): ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/ProjectZomboid/media/radio
  • The output directory field will be set if a directory named wiki is present in the directory that the JAR is present in.

When both fields are populated, the Parse button should become available. Selecting the Parse button will transform the input RadioData.xml file into directories named by the channel type. The files in said directories will be named based on the channel name followed with a .wiki extension.

Making Changes

MainGUI.java contains primarily auto-detection of files and the UI definitions. Main.java contains the definitions for all XML parsing and the style of output as well as the main method itself.

Changes to output format will likely be made in Main.java. Format changes can likely be done simply by modifying the toString() method of the Channel, Broadcast, and Entry classes.

Channels contain Broadcasts, which are collections of Entrys.

The properties of these objects are as follows


  • name - The name of the channel (eg. PawsTV)
  • channelType - The type of the channel (eg. television)
  • frequency - The frequency that the channel broadcasts on ingame (eg. 205)


  • startTime - The start time of the broadcast. The time unit is currently unknown.
  • endTime - The end time of the broadcast. Again, the time unit is currently unknown.
  • day - The day that the broadcast appears. This may be based on an offset defined outside of RadioData.xml (as some with Day 0 will happen far after day 1)


  • hexColor - The color in hex layout of the entry's text (eg. #ffc000)
  • text - The text of the entry.


Pull requests are welcome. Features may be requested in the Issues tab.


Converts Project Zomboid's RadioData.xml file into WikiMedia format.


Language:Java 100.0%