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Exploring private iVars

ExTBH opened this issue · comments

i have a PoC that allows reading private swift iVars and it works with technically any type

i have a fork of FLEX that uses it but for objects only now (int's, float's, double's and objects)
and i got this test video, adding a drop menu of multiple types (objects, ints, floats) to use would make it better


everything in the original comment is not needed, it was possible to be done with the Mirror API 💀

made the base PR, can be refined to auto extract the type are replace the nil and ?, im not that familiar with how FLEX handles that

edit: introducing the swift file breaks FLEXing, im compiling with orion branch and it errors

edit2: removing $(TWEAK_NAME)_CCFLAGS += -std=gnu++11 from libflex makefile would make it compile but the tweak wont work, idk why


it also can't be used as a Package in other xCode projects, xcode complains about mixed code

it also can't be used as a Package in other xCode projects, xcode complains about mixed code

fixed at this branch, the FLEX code has to be in a separate Target which allows compilation but then i can't import the auto generated header, so i manually interface the extension and use that 💀

got FLEXing compiling with this updated makefile. chatGPT actually got it working 💀

export ARCHS = arm64 arm64e
export TARGET = iphone:latest:13.0
include $(THEOS)/makefiles/common.mk

# FULL PATH of the FLEX repo on your own machine

# Function to convert /foo/bar to -I/foo/bar
dtoim = $(foreach d,$(1),-I$(d))

# Gather FLEX sources
SOURCES  = $(shell find $(FLEX_ROOT)/Classes -name '*.c')
SOURCES += $(shell find $(FLEX_ROOT)/Classes -name '*.m')
SOURCES += $(shell find $(FLEX_ROOT)/Classes -name '*.mm')
SOURCES += $(FLEX_ROOT)/FLEXSwift/NSObject+IvarReflection.swift
# Gather FLEX headers for search paths
_IMPORTS  = $(shell /bin/ls -d $(FLEX_ROOT)/Classes/*/)
_IMPORTS += $(shell /bin/ls -d $(FLEX_ROOT)/Classes/*/*/)
_IMPORTS += $(shell /bin/ls -d $(FLEX_ROOT)/Classes/*/*/*/)
_IMPORTS += $(shell /bin/ls -d $(FLEX_ROOT)/Classes/*/*/*/*/)
IMPORTS = -I$(FLEX_ROOT)/Classes/ $(call dtoim, $(_IMPORTS))

$(TWEAK_NAME)_FRAMEWORKS = CoreGraphics UIKit ImageIO QuartzCore Foundation
$(TWEAK_NAME)_CFLAGS += -fobjc-arc -w -Wno-unsupported-availability-guard $(IMPORTS) -g

# Exclude the Swift file from the C++ flag
ifeq ($(findstring .swift,$(SOURCES)),)
    $(TWEAK_NAME)_CCFLAGS += -std=gnu++11

include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/tweak.mk

	find . -name ".DS_Store" -delete

# For printing variables from the makefile
print-%  : ; @echo $* = $($*)

compiling this with iOS 16 SDK with theos on Linux will crash with missing symbol _$sSS10FoundationE36_unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveCySSSo8NSStringCSgFZ
using the iOS 15 ones is fine and works like a charm.

Trying to compile with theos on OS X with Xcode SDK(16.4) wont even compile for some reason.

but it'll compile fine if imported into an xcode project

this all was tested on the SPM fix branch

A FLEX Module of this has been made at https://github.com/ExTBH/SwiftyFlexy due to inactivity