An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FLEXNetworkObserver.injectIntoAllNSURLThings Crashes

dp221125 opened this issue · comments


  • Platform+version: iOS 15.5
  • FLEX version: 5.22.10

Bug Report

  • Steps
  1. Import Charts
  2. Create a class that adopts ObservableObject.
    public class Drawable: ObservableObject { }
  3. Create a property wrapper like below
    @Published var method: InterpolationMethod

InterpolationMethod is Struct used in Charts

Putting all of the above conditions together, we get the following code:

@available(iOS 16, *)
public class Drawable: ObservableObject {
    @Published var method: InterpolationMethod

    public init(
        method: InterpolationMethod = .catmullRom
    ) {
        self.method = method

and then, When I build and run it crashes. (iOS 15.5)

of course, I wrote the code to run FLEX in the App

struct FLEX_ChartsApp: App {
    init() {
        FLEXManager.shared.isNetworkDebuggingEnabled = true
  • Crash Screen Shot


  • Source Code
  • I created the smallest project that can reproduce this issue. (Github)