An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS

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not hook websocket use SocketRocket

iPermanent opened this issue · comments



  • Platform+version: iOS 16.3
  • FLEX version:5.22.10 (with Cocoapods)

Bug Report

Here I used the SocketRocket to link my websocket server, however, when I open the pannel, the websocket data not show in the debug panel, however the rest http/https request is all well, [[FLEXManager sharedManager] setNetworkDebuggingEnabled:YES]; I added this in my appdelegate.m and didn't find any api to set the websocket separate, should I do something else?


Does SockerRocket use the Foundation websockets API or does it implement its own?


https://github.com/facebookincubator/SocketRocket Here is the code, as the code shows, without any webview inside so I think it's not use Foundation API, does FLEX only support Foudation APIs like some webview call ws?

Yes, sorry


OK, thanks