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LICENSE, strongify, Headers, FLEXWindow error

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  • Platform+version: iOS 13.2.3
  • FLEX version: 4.7.0

Bug Report

I Add source code file to my project, not the pod or .framework or .a

Error 1

Multiple commands produce 'xxx/Demo.app/LICENSE'


I remove all LICENSE can build success

Error 2

strongify and weakify error
I have other define name strongify and weakify, the name is same FLEXMacros.h strongify and weakify
I change name is flex_strongify and flex_weakify

Error 3

Classes/Headers is link, Xcode build error not found class


FLEXWindow is keyWindow, then my keyWindow is not the first one.

- (void)presentViewController:(UIViewController *)toPresent
                             completion:(void (^)(void))completion {
    // Make our window key to correctly handle input.
    [self.view.window makeKeyWindow];


<FLEXWindow: 0x10c160300; baseClass = UIWindow; frame = (0 0; 375 667); gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x2835140c0>; layer = <UIWindowLayer: 0x28282e1e0>>, isKeyWindow=1, windowLevel=1100.000000


Multiple commands produce 'xxx/Demo.app/LICENSE'

You should be able to go into your project settings and remove those files from "copy bundle resources"

I have other define name strongify and weakify

I have #ifndef strongify guarding those macros; I think if you just reorder your imports (or do the same for your macros; guard them with #ifndef XXX) that can be avoided

Classes/Headers is link, Xcode build error not found class

Are you using master in your podfile project, or the last version directly? I know you put 4.7.0 but I'm just double checking. If you checkout 4.7.0 it should compile

FLEXWindow is keyWindow, then my keyWindow is not the first one.

Can you elaborate on your issue with this?

download FLEX-4.7.0.zip, and unzip FLEX-4.7.0, then copy FLEX-4.7.0/Classes into my project, change the name from Classes to FLEX, and add to targets

Classes/Headers is link, Xcode build error not found class

Is my problem, I change name

Multiple commands produce 'xxx/Demo.app/LICENSE'

I only copy Classes, more Info.plist and LICENSE, I should be remove

I have other define name strongify and weakify

This macros is define other lib, I suggest maybe flex can rename is very nice ^_^

FLEXWindow is keyWindow, then my keyWindow is not the first one.

That is very strange, in my project, when I tap FLEX menu, and tap done, I NSLog the keyWindow is FLEXWindow. I create new project it never happen

This macros is define other lib, I suggest maybe flex can rename is very nice ^_^

Which library is it, if you don't mind me asking? Is it libextobjc? Instead of polluting the global namespace with duplicate macros I would like to try to get them to guard their definition the same way I am, so that it doesn't matter what order the imports are in :)

That is very strange, in my project, when I tap FLEX menu, and tap done, I NSLog the keyWindow is FLEXWindow

This is expected behavior I think; if you want to access your app's window, you should access the window property on your app delegate, or grab the window from the scene delegate if you're using the UIScene APIs