An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS

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Crash when opening Realm DB table on debug

nathandud opened this issue · comments


  • Platform+version: iOS 15.5
  • FLEX version: 7.4.0

Bug Report

Opening a Realm database on a debug build causes a crash due to an NSParameterAssert failure in FLEXTableContentViewController seen here and copied below.

- (instancetype)initWithColumns:(NSArray<NSString *> *)columnNames
                           rows:(NSArray<NSArray<NSString *> *> *)rowData
                         rowIDs:(nullable NSArray<NSString *> *)rowIDs
                      tableName:(nullable NSString *)tableName
                       database:(nullable id<FLEXDatabaseManager>)databaseManager {
    // Must supply all optional parameters as one, or none
    BOOL all = rowIDs && tableName && databaseManager;
    BOOL none = !rowIDs && !tableName && !databaseManager;
    NSParameterAssert(all || none);


When opening up a SQLLite database table, the databaseManager points to null (and so do rowIDs and tableName) and the none condition is satisfied. However when trying to open a Realm database table, the databaseManager object pointer is not null and the assert fails. When I remove that assert, the code works as expected and I can view a Realm database.

I've tried to triage this issue myself to provide more a detailed report, but I'm getting some really unexpected behavior with the debugger.