An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS

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When installed using SPM in a Package.swift it doesn't seem possible to build for release

ryanbooker opened this issue · comments


  • Platform+version: iOS 15.5
  • FLEX version: 4.7.0

Bug Report

  • I have followed the instructions to add FLEX to a Package.swift.
  • Excluding FLEX.o in release makes it impossible to build for release, as the swift package will still try to link against FLEX.
  • If I include FLEX.o it builds. But we obviously don't want to include it for release builds.

Has anyone encountered this before and have a work around?

Thanks in advance.

I was able to create a sample project and exclude FLEX's package from the release build. It will still build flex, but the resulting app has no trace of FLEX in it.

What error are you seeing exactly?

I couldn't get it to build it would give an error that it couldn't link against the library. But after your comment, I removed everything and started again and now it builds just fine for Release. 🤷‍♂️ Thanks for looking into it. I'm not sure what the problem was, but clearly it was something we'd done. Thanks. 🙃