An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS

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Upgraded to 4.7.0, my previous c language like ‘float _data_width = {};’ compiled with the following error

jinliyuelong opened this issue · comments


  • Platform+version: iOS 14
  • FLEX version: 4.7.0

Bug Report

Here, you can provide a description of the bug. Some tips:

  • Please do not paste an entire crash log. Upload the crash log to something like ghostbin.co or another paste service. Alternatively, you can cut out the relevant stack trace and paste that inside a ```code block```
  • If the bug is more complex than "this button is broken" or a crash, consider including a sample project. For example, if your app's requests aren't showing up in the network history page.
  • Providing steps to reproduce is always helpful!
  • If you want to include a screenshot or GIF, consider modifying the default markdown for uploaded images to use this code to make the image smaller on desktop:
    <img width="50%" src=your-image-url >



This template is a suggestion. You may format your issue however you want, but generally you should at least include your iOS version and FLEX version.

FLEX doesn't affect your own project's compile flags

But he does influence, I compile correctly with 4.6.1, 4.7.0 reports an error。
4.6.0 success as below。


I'm wondering if 4.7.1 has been updated with some compilation environment, or if upgrading some compilation environment has affected

Hi, can you try using the version of FLEX from master? I think this was resolved recently. My apologies