FER-HT / monitoring

monitoring/alerting/procmon lwrp

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[monitoring]: <short description of problem>

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This is a LWRP to try and abstract out trivial monitoring/procmon/alerting differences.


  • monit (required by monit procmon provider)
  • collectd (required by collectd monitoring/alerting provider)


Default values

  • default["monitoring"]["metric_provider"] = "none"
  • default["monitoring"]["alarm_provider"] = "none"
  • default["monitoring"]["procmon_provider"] = "monit"

Valid values for metric provider:

  • "none"
  • "collectd"

Valid values for alarm provider:

  • "none"
  • "collectd"

Valid values for procmon provider:

  • "none"
  • "monit"



Basically, the concept is that a provider provides best effort implementions of a variety of metrics and alerts. This might be enough for a specific implementation, but if more monitoring is desired, it can be layered on top of the monitoring provided by the openstack cookbooks. For example, to use a monitoring package or alerting package not offered by this provider, the monitoring defaults could be set to "none", and a completely different monitoring system could be dropped in on top.

Or, it could be set to collectd, and then layer additional environment-specific monitoring on top of the existing collectd monitoring.

Either way, the objective is to provide a simple baseline monitoring that can be overriden or enhanced.

To use a monitoring provider, set the appropriate provider using the attributes above, and then create a monitoring definition:

monitoring_metric "syslog" do
  type "syslog"

Valid types include:

  • syslog
  • cpu
  • disk
  • interface
  • memory
  • swap
  • load

In addition, there is a "pyscript" provider that in the case of collectd expects a collectd python plugin:

monitoring_metric "cluster-stats" do
  type "pyscript"
  script "cluster-stats.py"

In this format, it will generate cluster-stats.py in the appropriate provider-specific location from a cookbook_file. If the script ends with ".erb", it will template it, using any options provided. Example:

monitoring_metric "cluster-stats" do
  type "pyscript"
  script "cluster-stats.py.erb"
  options("endpoint" => "http://localhost:8080/" ... )

In the future, it would be groovy to make arbitrary scripts in arbitrary languages that emit data in "key=value" format, and convert that output format to the format that the concrete monitoring provider can use. Patches gratefully accepted. Also for new providers, obviously.


Process monitoring currently is implemented with monit, but could be done using supervisord, or one of the goofy ruby process monitors or whatever.

The "monit" implementation does no alerting, instead relying on the alerting provider to provide alerts of processes not running. Monit in this case is strictly for the purposes of trying valiently to restart stuff. On repeated failure, it just gives up and lets the alerting system raise a ticket or whatever your backend alerting system does.


# matching a process name
monitoring_procmon "apache" do
  process_name "apache2"
  start_cmd "/etc/init.d/apache2 start"
  stop_cmd "/etc/init.d/apache2 stop"

# using a pid file
monitoring_procmon "apache" do
  pid_file "/var/run/httpd.pid"
  start_cmd "/etc/init.d/apache2 start"
  stop_cmd "/etc/init.d/apache2 stop"

It's possible to tune this further using the monit cookbook, but this basically just does the defaults. Again, with the welcoming patches.


Not complete yet.... please wait.


monitoring/alerting/procmon lwrp