FAForever / server

The servercode for the Forged Alliance Forever lobby

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Unrank custom games after fixed time

Askaholic opened this issue · comments

As per discussion on Discord, it was requested to change the unrank timer for custom games to a fixed time of 2 minutes. Currently the time is based on number of players in the game:

limit = len(self.players) * 60

This should be a very simple change to the function linked above. Probably will need to adjust some unit tests as well.

Discord thread: https://discord.com/channels/197033481883222026/1221544919735468042

Per that discord conversation, the current system is based on real time minutes * number of players in the game, but the suggestion is to change that to a flat/static 2 game time minutes instead.

Unfortunately the game time isn't available to the server. It will have to be based on real time.

Doesn't real time minutes mean, when someone lost connection or crashed in the very early phase, that his opponent can just press pause, and sips his tea for two minutes, then unpauses the game to make it ranked in his favor, when the game ends shortly after?

Or does some event/security prevent that possibility in the first place?

No, there is no protection against this