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"ERROR: Handshake status 429 Too Many Requests" when running zsmeif.py

tuyen-le opened this issue · comments

How to deal with this error:
"ERROR: Handshake status 429 Too Many Requests"

even I waited for many seconds to talk again????

Is that a server problem? or I need to modify the content of zsmeif.py?

Thank you,

Have you deal with the problem? I had the same problem.

the same problem, I seems the program can answer only one question after run, and have to restart for the next.

I find a solution with rectify the following code:
annotation the exit() at line 200 in zsmeif.py, and zisumei can chat with me steadily.



I find a solution with rectify the following code: annotation the exit() at line 200 in zsmeif.py, and zisumei can chat with me steadily.

It works for me.
