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dropdowns in RedactorX RTE don't open when editing a page in Preview Mode

CreativePoweredGeek opened this issue · comments

Description of the problem
When editing content in the CP while in Preview Mode, the Dropdowns on a reactorX RTE field in a grid inside a fluid will not open.
I tend to use these fields alot inside of a grid field, so it is possible it is isolated to that.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Set up your enviroment with an RTE feild., inside of a grid field, inside of a Fluid Field.
Start editing and then open preview Mode and continue to edit. You will see that the Dropdowns or ... let's say "P" paragraph will not open.


Error Messages
No Error Messages

Screenshots / Videos / Template Code

Environment Details:

  • Version: EE 7.4.9
  • PHP Version 8.1
  • MySQL Version 5.8
  • OS: Linux
  • Web Server: Apache

Possible Solution

Additional context
