ExplainableML / BayesCap

(ECCV 2022) BayesCap: Bayesian Identity Cap for Calibrated Uncertainty in Frozen Neural Networks

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Which one is the resi used in experiments?

Oceanlib opened this issue · comments

Thanks for your code.
I find that there are two implements of resi, and the one commented out is consistent with function (10) in paper.
So which is actually used in experiments?

# resi = torch.pow(resi*one_over_alpha1, beta1).clamp(min=self.resi_min, max=self.resi_max)
resi = (resi * one_over_alpha1 * beta1).clamp(min=self.resi_min, max=self.resi_max)

We noticed that in practice, the commented line
resi = torch.pow(resi*one_over_alpha1, beta1).clamp(min=self.resi_min, max=self.resi_max)
is harder to tame during training, you hit NaNs more often, if you do not tune your learning rate properly.
The uncommented line leads to faster convergence.
However, both can be made to work well.

Thanks for your reply.