ExpediaGroup / graphql-kotlin

Libraries for running GraphQL in Kotlin

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How do we test Ktor server schemas?

charlee-dev opened this issue · comments

Hi. How do we approach testing the Ktor server with Expedia GraphQL 7+?

In the lower version without GraphQl plugin I had access to the GraphQL, which I was using to get GraphQLRequestHandler and then I was able to send requests.

This is how my test wrapper looked like:

// from test
fun test(
    users: List<User> = mockUsers,
    query: String,
    variables: Map<String, Any?>? = emptyMap(),
    graphQLContext: Map<*, Any> = mapOf("id" to user1.id),
    assert: suspend (GraphQLResponse<*>) -> Unit,
) {
    val userRepository: UserRepository by inject(UserRepository::class.java)
    val graphQLRequestHandler = GraphQLRequestHandler(getGraphQLObject()) // getGraphQLObject() cannot be build now

    testApplication {
        users.forEach { userRepository.create(it) }

        val request = GraphQLRequest(query, null, variables, null)

        val response = graphQLRequestHandler.executeRequest(
            graphQLContext = graphQLContext
        ) as GraphQLResponse<*>


// from main
fun getGraphQLObject(): GraphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema) // Not valid anymore

The test itself looked like this:

private const val QUERY =
    "mutation Login(\$authInput: AuthInput!) { register(authInput: \$authInput) { token userMinimal { id displayName imageUrl }}}"

fun `Sign up new user should return data with AuthResponse`() = test(
    users = emptyList(),
    query = QUERY,
    variables = mapOf(
        "authInput" to mapOf(
            "email" to user1.email,
            "password" to password1
    assert = { response ->
        response.data.toString() shouldContain "{signUp={token=" shouldContain "userMinimal={id=" shouldContain ", displayName= , imageUrl=}}}"

The issue is that currently I have no access to the GraphQL object.