Exodus-Privacy / exodus-android-app

εxodus Android application

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Improve performance of recyclerview in app

Jean-BaptisteC opened this issue · comments

Somes crashes in app are related by loading of recyclerview too long (permissions recyclerview and app recyclerview)
We need to find a solution to reduce loading of view to improve start app loading and when user consult a app report

I ran the app through the profiler, I couldn't find any performance problems in RecyclerViews.
But when switching between items in the main bottom navigation, Fragments (AppsFragment, TrackersFragment and AboutFragment) are recreated everytime. It even lags noticeably on my device. I have no idea how to fix that with Jetpack Navigation though.

Could you maybe share these crash reports you have?

Try to open app report about app with a lot of permissions (Google Play services for example) and go to permissions tabs -> Loading is too long

Uhm yeah that RecyclerView is creating a ViewHolder for every item once you open the fragment because it is set to wrap the content. I will send you a fix.