ExistentialAudio / BlackHole

BlackHole is a modern macOS audio loopback driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.

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opened this issue · comments

I'll look into it once I get a chance.

How exactly did you have everything setup?

Your attachments didn’t work. Go to the website and upload them.

You misunderstand. Github won’t allow email attachments. You can send a link or you can go online to github and upload them there.

First off, Apple doesn’t allow you to change volume of Aggregate/Multi-output devices.

2nd. What you are doing is recording 18 channels of audio with QT. You need to mix the audio of your mic and BH together with Garage Band or Similar. Then set the input to QT to BH.

Last BH is only the driver it does’t have access to change the inout/output devices. You need to do it manually.

Not sure about the strange audio quality with the headohones but i’ll try to see what’s happening there.

I am going to work on creating a series of tutorials but I can’t make any promises of when they will be ready.

@Narasimha-L Could you try to explain again and a bit more clear what you are trying to achieve? I'm sorry, but by the very nature both of us are not native english speakers, these complicated issues can be hard to discuss...
I'm using BH every day without running into your issue. I tried everything I could to recreate it, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.

@devinroth Did you find the issue (since you added the label)?

I'm finally getting some Air Pods soon. Also test out on the latest release 0.2.8 and let me know.

‘+ one here

Echoing the thanks for developing this!
I’ve been a Soundflower user for ~10 years, and just made the switch to blackhole.

I too have this issue. Using AirPod pro and BH 0.2.8.

Usually the BT just disconnects.
To be fair, I had the same issue with soundflower, which is why I switched in hopes that I’d be rid of that issue.

if I can be of assistance let me know.

Having similar issues with Airpods Pro. I've had it working with an Aggregate Device once, but then the mic from the Airpods Pro begin to fail. I've attached screenshots of my setup.

Audio MIDI Setup:

Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 12 00 33 PM

Google Meet settings:

Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 12 01 30 PM

Try using BlackHole 2ch as the first device in the multi-output and see if that works. I just got a pair of AirPods Pro and no issues with that setup.

With the device set to Multi Output device; Google Meet will only let me select that Multi Output device under Speakers.

Is there a trick to routing audio to the microphone that I'm missing?

I think the solution here is when using aggregates/multi-outputs with Bluetooth Headphones/Mic you need to make sure the headphones are not the primary device / clock device. I'll add an entry in the FAQ.

Hi all, the devs at Audio Design Desk pointed me to this driver after some failed attempts with iShowU Audio Capture driver. However I must be doing something definitely wrong... I can't still figure out how to record both the microphone and the system sounds at the same time. Use case: Microsoft Teams and Discord still don't have built-in capture system output sounds AND microphone at the same time.
For simplicity's sake, I have stuck to the 2ch BH version of things, however if there-in lies my issue by all means let me know.
I have tried creating aggregate devices and multi-output devices with all possible combinations: iMac Microphone and/or AirPods Max Microphones and/or BH. A simple test with the OS screen capture (command+shift+5) and choosing Blackhole 2ch as the microphone source would sometimes yield the microphone or the system audio, never both. Some combinations triggering some audio noise too, maybe related to the right order on the list or drift correction, will have to double check again.
If we could have a defined set of rules to make this work maybe? for example:

  1. Screen capture software (or OS X's built-in capturer) input microphone should always be BlackHole 2ch (or 16?) and never anything else.
  2. System's audio output should always a multi-output device with BH listed inside the multi-output as one of the outputs (with the required rules, such as the drift correction and proper order on the list).
  3. Open Audacity or Garange Band and... do something here which wasn't clear. I just open Audicity, set the microphone to the desired microphone input and the output to BH 2ch and leave that there open?

So, assuming those 3 steps are correct, I would be able to capture both the microphone and the system and everybody on the meeting would be able to hear it.
However that's not the case of course, any help regarding the right setup would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance.


I could fix the mono recording and stuttering with AirPods & blackhole like this:
Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-01 um 13 35 07
Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-01 um 13 35 09

its crucial to add AirPods as the first device in the list (activate it first, blackhole second) but then the core device is blackhole. thus everything stays correct when activated and recording (I tested with QuickTime player, screen record + input source build with midi setup and blackhole)