Excel-projects / Excel-Timesheet

:alarm_clock: This Add-In is used to produce a timesheet file with functionality to import your Google Timeline. The standard timesheet has options for start and end dates, day of week and default start, end and break times. The Google timeline options are start and end dates, UTC selection, daylight savings time parameters and title filter for timeline entries. There is also a right click shortcut to open your Google timeline to the date of the row that is currently selected. The only version is currently in VBA/XML ribbon.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

filter and choose?

marwa38 opened this issue · comments


Hi team,

I have a question if you possibly could help with?
I want to choose only from Column B that is equal to Column A even if it is not in the same row (both A and B) I mean and then column C also gives it its output accordingly. The example below is where I don't have all rows in column A and I only want these to be selected from column B and thus give outputs from column C. I want to apply this to a timesheet later but for the sake of simplicity.




I used the equation to solve the problem
