ExOK / Celeste64

A game made by the Celeste developers in a week(ish, closer to 2)

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Can't rebind controls functionality work

panglars opened this issue · comments

When I see #63,I'm realize out to express the importance of the "rebind controls" functionality for me, as I play Celeste using a non-QWERTY keyboard layout.

When I exploring the source to understand how controls are configured, I stumbled upon the ControlsConfig.cs file, which seems to predefine the control keys for the game. Given my limited experience with C# (becase this is my first time diving into C# code), I attempted to modify the ControlsConfig to suit my needs. Unfortunately, my changes did not take effect as I had hoped.

How do I successfully make changes to ControlsConfig?

Hi, once you've played the game once it will save the controls to a .json file, called controls.json which will be in AppData/Roaming/Celeste64 on Windows or ./local/share/Celeste64 otherwise. You can modify that file to customize the controls. Alternatively if you change the default ones in C# you will need to comment out line 42 of Startup.cs where it loads the config file.

thanks! it's useful

Hello! I'm playing on M2 Mac, but use the version for x86-64 Mac. I can't find the controls.json file