Everduin94 / better-commits

A CLI for creating better commits following the conventional commits specification

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add description to commit types

NotAJocke opened this issue · comments


How about adding a simple description next to commit types, such as the Angular convention:


And simply adding those here

I always struggle to choose the right one and end up opening my browser to find which is for what

This is already possible by adding hint to each item in your config. Do you mean add it to the defaults?


I think having the hints added by default would be useful


Do you mean add it to the defaults?

Yes, that was what I meant. Adding those hints by default and being able to override them would be convenient

Sure thing. Done. -- Although, you'll probably need to update your config. I haven't settled on a good way of handling this yet.

Few manual options:

  • global config: you can delete the config and it will regenerate. Or copy paste the defaults from the readme.
  • repository config: run better-commits-init or copy paste
  • If the property is not present, it will just use the defaults (see the config in this repository). So you could just remove from your config what you want to be defaulted.