EugenMayer / chosen_select_boxes

unmaintained - legacy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


cforce opened this issue · comments

Can u post some screenshots to show why looks better?


I suggest, you just try it out

The look of a chosen select box is not that different from a typical select box (see e.g. on the chosen project site). Its the usability that makes the difference: you can type a few letters of an option instead of scrolling through the list.

This plugin also doesn't change anything unless you combine it with other plugins such as the projectselectng plugin that actually introduce chosen select boxes. So what it looks like really depends on how you use it, i.e. what other plugins you install and - in case of the projectselectng plugin - where you place their select boxes. As Eugen said: go ahead and install this plugin and the projectselectng to try it out for yourself.