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Policy of financial transparency (Dex223)

Dexaran opened this issue · comments

Dex223 adheres to the policy of financial transparency. Development expenses and funds allocations will be commented in this issue if it does not violate GDPR or other laws.

Token info

Pre-ICO round 1

pD223 token is deployed on Callisto chain

pD223 token represents 1% of the D223 token supply that were sold via the first round of the pre-sale. This tokens will be converted 1:1 to D223 tokens on Ethereum chain.

I can't wait to see how you do only good things for people.

6800 BUSDT transformed in USDT (tx1, tx2, tx3)

ICO founds (pre-sale round 2)

Pre-sale ended. We've raised a total of $163,800 during this round (39.54 ETH, 58800 USDT, 14000 USDC). The funds are now located in this wallets:

Withdrawal transactions & fund transfers (ICO)

  • 12000 USDC extracted during the sale (tx).

  • 27.29 ETH extracted (tx), transferred to the ICO wallet (tx)

  • 26000 USDT extracted (tx), transferred to the ICO wallet (tx)

  • 2144 USDC extracted (tx), 14000 USDC transferred to the ICO wallet combined with the previously withdrawn 12,000 (tx)

Withdrawal transactions & fund transfers (private sales)

  • 1.136 ETH extracted (tx), transferred to the private sales wallet (tx)
  • 32800 USDT extracted (tx), transferred to the private sales wallet (tx)
  • 11.11 ETH received as an arranged private deal (tx) and transferred to the private sales wallet (tx)

Marketing expenses. $20,000 transferred to EOS Support (KOL & influencers attraction).

Marketing expenses, advertisement campaigns & promoters incentivization.

Additional marketing expenses (funding provided to EOS Support):

Operational expenses (twitter, figma, hostings, servers etc.)