Esri / nearby-javascript

ArcGIS API for JavaScript app to find places nearby and route to the nearest location.

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Map doesn't load on first app load

codergrl opened this issue · comments

I loaded the app and got a list of nearby places (see issue #5 for screenshot). Then I clicked on the Map button and a globe flashed for a split second but then the page just went blank. I refreshed it after about 10 minutes of waiting and then it loaded. Cleared cache and retried, same behavior, the map didn't load until I refreshed it

Device: Microsoft Surface 3
OS: Windows 10 version 1803 build 17134
Browser: Chrome v. 71.0.3578.98

Tested the behavior with Microsoft Edge also, and the map doesn't load, no matter now many times I hit the Refresh button

Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 17.17134

This could be because a service issue. I can't repro. Sometimes the geocode service is taking a beating and will 502 on me. I'll check a couple of other machines.

I am unable to replicate this today, but I am working from home on my personal machine and I'm not on the vpn. Maybe it has something to do with our network? I think this warrants further investigation.

Since the app seems to take a while to load the first time, perhaps add a spinner or a message to let the user know that the app is loading and to be patient. And if a 502 is returned, let user know to reload the page?

@esreli @codergrl are either of you able to reproduce this? I cannot anymore.

I am also unable to reproduce, used Chrome and Safari.

On my Windows machine, using Chrome, the very first time the map loads after about 20 seconds. I feel that's a long time, but I'm guessing it's because of our basemaps and not the app?

Closing. No longer an issue with the app itself.