Esri / nearby-javascript

ArcGIS API for JavaScript app to find places nearby and route to the nearest location.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prompts twice for location access

elake2018 opened this issue · comments

Maybe the app should not ask me twice for location access? I assume once for the list and once for the map.

Can you provide some more details. I just tested and I'm only prompted once on my device.

If I immediately click on the all location access as soon as the page loads (when you see the blue status bar moving from left to right) but before the map initializes, once the map starts to load it will ask me again. If I let it go and wait for the map to load it doesn't prompt me a second time. I thought it did it all the time, but I guess I was too quick to hit the allow button.

Not a big deal really

Is this on a specific device, browser?

It does it in FF, harder to replicate in Chrome because it loads faster. I did not use Edge.

Ok, I can see this in FF. I think this is more of a browser issue. Not something we can really work around when it comes to permissions like that. FF should recognize the host domain, but maybe it's looking at the full URL. Tough to tell.