Esri / storymap-journal

The Story Map Journal is ideal when you want to combine narrative text with maps and other embedded content.

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Allow Map features/popup to navigate to specific section

glazou opened this issue · comments

This issue track that popular enhancement request. As of today that feature is not in the near future roadmap.

The V1.1 planned for September 23rd will allow to create links (in the panels) to navigate between sections. With that enhancement it will be possible for developers to customize Map Journal to add specific behavior to certain map to allow it's features to drive the Journal.

A workflow to implement this through a customization has been documented at
Also note the following article that focus on navigation though links that can be used as an introduction to the process

Is there a way to specifically navigate to the side content page and not the map page? I am working with a mobile view and i'd like to have the content panel (the #details) be loaded instead of the map page. I have my 'home' button configured like this


It may just be a wish list thing for working with whatever the app looks like responsive design but I figured I'd ask. thanks

Yes, you can do that using

<p><a onclick="require(['dojo/topic'], function(topic){ topic.publish('story-navigate-section', 0); setTimeout(function(){ location.hash = 'detail'; }, 50);  });">link to home</a></p>

that looks great for my purposes....thanks!

It is now possible to create a link to another section in the builder without code. See this blog post for more info:

Hi Owen, this enhancement is to allow navigation by clicking on a feature on the map. That would still be a good enhancement as an option in MJ for place based stories.