18-XXX-UK SCP Approval Clarification
joebayles opened this issue · comments
The SCP process requires clarification and description within APP-6. APP-6(D)(1) has multiple GEX approved SCPs that are going forward for IERHWG approval. Once SCPs have been IERHWG approved they are available for implementation (at risk) by Nations prior to being incorporated into the next iteration of APP-6.
There is currently no method of identifying and disseminating these IERHWG approved SCPs to nations. This could lead to interoperability issues between systems that implement APP-6 without implementing the latest updates.
PROPOSED SOLUTION: Add text to the preface of APP-6(D)(2) directing the user to seek the custodian of APP-6 to identify, (and implement, at risk,) the latest IERHWG approved SCPs for APP-6.
Replace the wording in the Preface in accordance with Annex A to this document.