Esri / joint-military-symbology-xml

Joint Military Symbology Markup Language is a data encapsulation of MIL-STD-2525D and APP-6(D).

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18-008-AR Add Isolated Personnel Main Icon

joebayles opened this issue · comments

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: The U.S. Army needs a symbol to portray an Isolated Personnel Activity of 1 or more individuals that can effectively be used to track their movement on overlays, or a common operation picture as they move towards a Recovery site. Currently, the U.S. Army (and Services) uses the “Downed Aircrew Pick-Up Point symbol (Symbol Set Code: 25, Code 180300) to attempt to depict this activity, but using this symbol doesn’t adequately portray the information needed.

This identified military symbol gap is currently not permitting the U.S. Army to properly differentiate “Isolated Personnel Activity” from a Downed Aircrew Pick-Up Point. Not being able to differentiate these unique activities from a “Pick-Up Point” can cause confusion when creating doctrine organization structures, course of action sketches, overlays, or a common operation picture.

PROPOSED SOLUTION: Establish an Isolated Personnel main icon that can be used with the activity frame and with amplifier fields for additional information.

