Esri / i3s-spec

This repository hosts the specification for Scene Layers which are containers for arbitrarily large amounts of geographic data. The delivery and persistence model for Scene Layers, referred to as Indexed 3d Scene Layer (I3S) and Scene Layer Package (SLPK) respectively, are specified.

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Azure / AWS in WebApp

bloigge opened this issue · comments

The i3s_converter supports the export to azure and aws. Is there any tutorial how to consume slpk / i3s hosted on azure / aws in a web application using the esri javascript sdk?

@bloigge We have some documentation in Pro that will be released soon, I will follow up with you once that information is live.

@rvargasESRI - any news on this?

@bloigge next week (I assume) the Pro documentation will be released. I will reply to this issue with the link.

As far as I know, it is not possible to publish/share using the JS API to a portal. This documentation will have a python script to which will show how to publish the scene layer stored on a cloud service, then you can use the JS API to consume a scene layer.

I am actually looking for a way how to consume i3s stored on Azure via the JS API. So I guess the new docs will fit. Thank you for the update!

@rvargasESRI Can we directly consume the data from a Blobstorage via the JS API or is ArcGIS Server required for distribution inbetween (and Azure only works as a Datastorage)?

The workflow would be to have the blobstorage registered on a data store on ArcGIS server, and to create a service from that data store, then consume that service using JS API.


Here a way to automate a part of your desired workflow using Python and the ArcGIS API.

Hope this helps!