Esri / esri-loader

A tiny library to help load ArcGIS API for JavaScript modules in non-Dojo applications

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Why esri-leaflet is faster than esri-loader

kynhbdg opened this issue · comments

How does esri-leaflet render map is faster than esri-loader.
And Can I config esri-loader like esri-leaflet?
I use angular 8 and esri-loader very slow when load map, i also use ChangeDetectionStrategy and runOutsideAngular but no effect.
Can I config esri-loader like esri-leaflet to get better performance?
You can see the comparision below

That reminds me of an old comment (in 2015!) I made in the esri-leaflet-renderers repo. If you are using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript version 3, the first few comments in that discussion may be interesting to you.


But that was focused on the perceived visual timings of how long user pan and zoom actions occur in that version of ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by better performance? What are you measuring and would like to see differently?

This question lacks detail, likely doesn't pertain to esri-loader itself unless the author is lazy-loading w/ esri-loader and not w/ esri-leaflet, and potentially subjective.

I'm closing it due to lack of activity.