Esqarrouth / QorumLogs

:closed_book: Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs

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Xcode 8 support

billchanmagic opened this issue · comments

Hello! Thanks your great job to make my coding life colourful. I am trying my project with Xcode 8 now. Is there any plan to support Xcode 8 with coloured logging?

Yes, but I prefer not to touch it until its out of beta and stable. It may also work without changing anything. Or since we have a couple of dependencies which can break with the update, we might need to wait for them to support it first. Of course if you want to work on this I can create an xcode8 branch

Just created the new version with it. Also added emojis instead of colors because xcode8 removed xcode colors. This is a temporary solution until we can find out how to get colors back properly. There are hacks like unsigning xcode, I personally rather use xcode7 until 8 is stable.

Heres how to install it with cocoapods:

pod 'QorumLogs' #For Swift 3.0    
pod 'QorumLogs', :git => '', :branch => 'Swift2.3' #For Swift 2.3    
pod 'QorumLogs', '~> 0.8' #For Swift 2.2