ErikReider / SwayNotificationCenter

A simple GTK based notification daemon for SwayWM

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[Bug] .control-center-list not showing

System64fumo opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
.control-center-list shows up when you first start swaync but .control-center-list-placeholder does not
(As if there is an invisible notification)
But if you receive a notification and close out of it the placeholder shows up but the list doesn't.

Ideally i would like for the placeholder to be shown when there are no notifications
and for the list to be visible at all times (I'm using min-height) to get a dynamically sized notification center.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. start swaync from a terminal with GTK_DEBU=interactive
  2. Toggle the notification center (swaync-client -t)
  3. Observe that the placeholder is not visible but list is visible
  4. Send notification (notify-send "Test")
  5. Close the test notification
  6. Observe that the list is now gone and that the placeholder is visible
  7. In the GTK inspector, Navigate and hide the placeholder (visible FALSE)
  8. Observe the list magically coming back!

Expected behavior
Placeholder would be visible when there are no active notifications
List to be visible at all times (As it currently is despite this bug)


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Version Rolling release

Additional context
Red is the list (min-height: 5px)
Green is the placeholder

Thanks! Fixed :)

The place holder is now working as intended but the list is now only shown when there are notifications?
Could you please make the list visible at all times?
(I'm using it to make my notif center dynamically sized with min-height)

Isn't possible with the placeholder visible. Can't you set min-height to the parent "stack" widget?

I'm afraid not, The stack widget cannot be dynamically sized.
Could we perhaps have a config to "show-placeholder-when-empty"?

Ok technically all of this is just a workaround for a different issue #330 (comment)
If we had the control center elements inside of another main box (.control-center > box > box (modules)) it would be better
That or the ability to have the main control center box have a minimum and maximum size config and for it to dynamically increase in height as more widgets get added instead of having a fixed size