ErikEJ / SqlCeToolbox

SQLite & SQL Server Compact Toolbox extension for Visual Studio, SSMS (and stand alone)

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VS2019 Failure

radsolution opened this issue · comments

I have just installed everything as instructed (VS2019), and have the same problem that others have reported.
There is no provider listed other than: .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server
Furthermore, Erik's screenshot on this page:
Shows a right-click entry to Add Entity Data Model (EDMX) to project...
I don't have that option in v4.8.735 of the Toolbox. This is preventing me from using SQLite.
I'm thinking of looking for another database which DOES work..

Failure seems like a strong word...

as instructed (VS2019)

I assume according to this? - these have worked for may, but I know it can be hard to follow, and appreciate any suggestions for improvement.

Shows a right-click entry to Add Entity Data Model (EDMX) to project...

Oh yes, the screen shots relate to the feature for SQL Server Compact - and that particular feature has been removed - I will get the screenshots updated.

There is also machine.config involved and registering DLLs in GAC. It is vitally important that all parts use the exact same version...


Could you share a screenshot of that diagram issue?