EricTheMagician / DriveFS

A google drive fuse filesystem implemented in C++

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Running for the first time

somerandom48 opened this issue · comments

Have successfully compiled and now trying to run using the supplied config edited for my machine but get this error

2018-07-11 05:15:38,052 [T] [Account.cpp:108] Getting Account
2018-07-11 05:15:38,053 [F] [] CRASH HANDLED; Application has crashed due to [SIGSEGV] signal
======= Backtrace: =========
[1] ./DriveFS(+0x70638) [0x55a31c2a4638]
[2] ./DriveFS(+0x70819) [0x55a31c2a4819]
[3] 0x3ef20) [0x7f2f1745af20]:_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2f1745af20]
[4] /usr/local/lib/ [0x7f2f16d2b063]
[5] /usr/local/lib/ [0x7f2f16d2b078]
[6] 0x30b) [0x7f2f16d2c71c]:_mongoc_client_new_from_uri+0x30b) [0x7f2f16d2c71c]
[7] 0x2d) [0x7f2f16d2c40f]:_client_new_from_uri+0x2d) [0x7f2f16d2c40f]
[8] 0x38) [0x7f2f185c5e48]:_noabi(_ZN8mongocxx7v_noabi6clientC2ERKNS0_3uriERKNS0_7options6clientE+0x38) [0x7f2f185c5e48]
[9] ./DriveFS(+0xe40c3) [0x55a31c3180c3]
[10] ./DriveFS(+0x9d5b7) [0x55a31c2d15b7]
[11] 0xe7) [0x7f2f1743db97]:_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f2f1743db97]
[12] ./DriveFS(+0x5fc3a) [0x55a31c293c3a]

I see in the in your notes that a headless login is on the ToDo list so booted up a desktop gui version but when running via terminal still get this same error. Is there somewhere I can inject my google account settings?


I have mongodb running and can connect to it via mongo shell as well as hit it when I browse to localhost:27017. I have also tried adding the database argument when running DriveFS mongodb://localhost/ or mongodb://localhost:27017/ but no luck

What version of mongodb are you running? db version v3.2.20
What version of libmongoc are you using? mongo-c-driver-1.11.0
What os are you using? ubuntu 18.04

Is it possible for me to get remote access to the machine? Yes that would be fine, how would you like me to get those details to you?

libmongoc was obtained from somewhere else, not from ubuntu. this version was compiled against libssl1.0, but everything else was compiled with libssl-1.1.

This caused an issue with connecting to mongodb.