Eric-Guo / wechat

API, command and message handling for WeChat in Rails

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Chen-George-Zhen opened this issue · comments

Unsafe redirect "。。。。。“
source "redirect_to generate_oauth2_url(oauth2_params)"
redirect_to 方法

Kindly provide more information to check.

Get this Exception "Unsafe redirect "", use :fallback_location to specify a fallback or :allow_other_host to redirect anyway.):" when use "wechat_oauth2", Maybe code " redirect_to generate_oauth2_url(oauth2_params) " , redirect_to add :allow_other_host is not in the safe whitelist in Tencent Wechat backend, please make sure filling it in dashboard, it's not a bug in this gem.

I mean "redirect_to generate_oauth2_url(oauth2_params), allow_other_host: true" to replace "redirect_to generate_oauth2_url(oauth2_params)".

allow_other_host seems introduced at Rails 5.2 and valid only for redirect_back, so using redirect_to generate_oauth2_url(oauth2_params), allow_other_host: true is wrong here IMHO.

Thanks, I used rails 6, this exception occurred when using "redirect_to other domain"

方便加下微信么!哈哈,我也是在上海,上面那个问题,应该是我没有描述清楚,我还以为你是老外!其实就是 我用的 rails 6, 在调用 wechat_oauth2 这个方法的 时候 ,redirect_to, 方法抛出了异常,提示需要 添加 allow_other_host: true,选项,我fork 了一个版本,加上了就没有问题了!

我也有项目跑Rails 6,没有这个情况。。


def wechat_public_oauth2(oauth2_params, account = nil)
  openid  = cookies.signed_or_encrypted[:we_openid]
  unionid = cookies.signed_or_encrypted[:we_unionid]
  we_token = cookies.signed_or_encrypted[:we_access_token]
  if openid.present?
    yield openid, { 'openid' => openid, 'unionid' => unionid, 'access_token' => we_token}
  elsif params[:code].present? && params[:state] == oauth2_params[:state]
    access_info = wechat(account).web_access_token(params[:code])
    cookies.signed_or_encrypted[:we_openid] = { value: access_info['openid'], expires: self.class.oauth2_cookie_duration.from_now }
    cookies.signed_or_encrypted[:we_unionid] = { value: access_info['unionid'], expires: self.class.oauth2_cookie_duration.from_now }
    cookies.signed_or_encrypted[:we_access_token] = { value: access_info['access_token'], expires: self.class.oauth2_cookie_duration.from_now }
    yield access_info['openid'], access_info
    redirect_to generate_oauth2_url(oauth2_params)


"Unsafe redirect ""
use :fallback_location to specify a fallback or :allow_other_host to redirect anyway.):

然后我 直接在 控制器中 redirect_to "" 也会报同样的错,应该是 rails 版本的问题吧!就是 redirect_to 非当前项目域名的时候,就会这样,你可以在你的rails 6 项目 ,控制器中 直接使用 redirect_to 试试,应该会是同样的结果

那你直接提 PR 吧,写成仅针对Rails 6即可,我直接合并。

Fix at #263