Erdal's repositories


This is my first tutorial series through Unity a game making engine, a fantastic one at that. In this game you are jack going down a beanstalk by jumping on clouds. You can collect points and lives, as well as change the difficulty level of your game. Your high score will save for each difficulty level too, allowing you too keep track of how well you are doing. You can toggle music and what not too, its a simply game, but it tought me a lot about unity. i leanred about the best methods to make scenes and how to connect them, how to orginise scripts, and lots of really cool unity methods. Not to mention a lot of really cool techniques that i can implment accross other games.



A game where you control a small pocket of humans at the dawn of civilization. It is your duty to guide them through life and help humanity prosper, but be warned the gods are against you. Your civilization will be wiped out periodically, you will be awarded power equivalent to your civilizations success under your guidance. You can use your new found power to benefit your next tribe of humans, learn from your mistakes and prosper. Will you continue to watch as all your efforts are lost with the whim of the gods, or will you rise and make even the gods bow before you. 17/10/16 (This was created as a place holder, development has not yet begun)



I found some cool tuts on base building and i want to experment with it once im done



a basic tower defence game made in unity, you have monsters for towers trying to defend a cookie from bugs



A clone of flappy bird made through unity, it is a tutorial i am following.



A simple idle game were you spend magic creating warriors to defend your base. This game has both upgrades and incremental game play.



# The_Ancient_Ones The first out of the 2 tower defence games i plan to make. Note: Everything currently in here is just a placeholder, the real images will come later So this is a large tower defence game were you the player play as a Vampire called the Caretaker and it's your job to look after a bunch of goofy vampires (Who act as your towers) as the humans attempt to invade your land. As the Caretaker you decide to subdue the humans entirely, so prepare for a battle through the eons as you battle humans and many other surprising factions that you will discover on your journey for the continent.
