Eonasdan / fa6-stream-deck-icon-pack-generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Transparent background?

EDIflyer opened this issue · comments

First of all - thanks so much for doing this, I love FontAwesome icons, great to have them on Stream Deck!

I notice though that the free ones at https://apps.elgato.com/icons/com.fortawsome.solid.free seem to all have a dark blue background which causes the button to glow more than the standard Elgato ones - do you know if there's an easy fix to make them have fully transparent backgrounds?


Thanks again for creating this!


If you want to customize the background color you can set this option. It looks like canvas supports 8 character hex so you could provide an alpha channel.

I actually used a color picker tool to grab the background color from the default buttons so that's why they are that color.

Let me know if that helps!

P.S. I have a Ko-fi if you're feeling generous :)