Eonasdan / MomentSharp

MomentJs port to C#

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Moment.From() : wrong number ranges

ichinm opened this issue · comments


I got an exception: Couldn't find an exceptable range to return!!!

Because the timeSpan.Total[...] is double but they are treated as int.

E.g. TotalSeconds=45.5 will throws exception.

if (timeSpan.TotalSeconds.InRange(0, 45)) // 0-45 seconds
return language.Translate(RelativeTime.Seconds, timeSpan.Seconds, showSuffix, isFuture);
if (timeSpan.TotalSeconds.InRange(46, 90)) // 46-90 seconds
return language.Translate(RelativeTime.Minute, timeSpan.Minutes, showSuffix, isFuture);