EnzymeML / PyEnzyme

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linking to unique identifiers in enzymeML documents

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Hi @JR-1991 ,

following up our discussion today: let us assume I would like to speak about a measurement I conducted, for which I have a PURL like http://purl.bayer.com/measurements/2021-05-18-RTG001 -- can I put that in the enzymeML document?

Thanks and best,

(I see an id field in the xsd , maybe that's a possibility to exploit?)

example from Frank Bergmann: a measurement might be present in different files, e.g. when evaluated in different contexts -- a common identifier could help us to recognize that both measurements are factually the same. We can do that by looking at the measurement data (obviously the same...), but it would be nicer to know for sure.

The actual measurement points need to be "duplicated" in the files, too, because it might not be guaranteed that I want to give you access to my identifier / files.

a further question is of course WHO and HOW to mint those identifiers, but there are solutions for that. ;)