EnvModellingGroup / hrds

Hierarchical raster data set: smooth interpolation of raster files at different resolutions for multiscale modelling

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TypeError: 'module'

klaatujk opened this issue · comments

I am very new in hrds with python, but trying to use hrds to make real bathymetry data.

I followed the instruction for installing hrds using python3 in Ubuntu 20.04 but I got the following error.

Is anybody giving suggestions or comments?
I appreciate you if you give it.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "exxyz.py", line 11, in
bathy = hrds("gebco_uk.tif",rasters=("emod_utm.tif","inspire_data.tif"),distances=(700, 200))
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable


Looks like you did

import hrds

So you'll need:

bathy = hrds.hrds("gebco_uk.tif",rasters=("emod_utm.tif","inspire_data.tif"),distances=(700, 200))

To call the function hrds inside the module.

Thank you, but I got the error again.
Do you have any idea?

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "exxyz.py", line 11, in
bathy = hrds.hrds("gebco_uk.tif",rasters=("emod_utm.tif","inspire_data.tif"),distances=(700, 200))
AttributeError: module 'hrds.hrds' has no attribute 'hrds'

Apologies, it should be capitalised:

Bathy = hrds.HRDS(...)

I need to update the first example on the Readme