Enigmatis / graphql-java-annotations

GraphQL Annotations for Java

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What's the status of development on this project?

sanderkoenders opened this issue · comments

I am using graphql annotations for my project but I am in the process of upgrading graphql to one of the later versions (9.5 or 12). I am looking at the options I have and it seems like this library is no longer maintained because the activity in terms of commits is relatively low. The latest release (v6.0) released in october 2018 says:


Since then there has been no sign of a newer version. This version should support version 9.2 of Graphql. What would be the advice going forward from this? Should I remove the annotation library entirely and do it the official graphql way? Or can I still use this library? What's the status on development on this library?


The latest release is 6.2 which supports graphql-java 11.0.
We are still maintaining this project but there are no major issues to address right now.
In terms of upgrading the graphql-java dependencies we call the community to open PRs / issues if we do not do it in time and we will address it

I am just getting started on a project that uses both graphql and this annotation library which was maintained by another developer before. I am not to familiar with Graphql, the annotations and their workings so I am afraid a pull-request to support the newer versions of Graphql would not be easy to make for me personally. I do see that graphql version 12 was released back in March this year, is there any ETA on when this version will be officially supported by this annotations library?


Most of the features that graphql-java releases in their newer versions are features for the schema-first method of creating a graphql server.
The annotations library do not use these features at most cases, so upgrading is not always necessary.
I guess soon we will be available to work on upgrading to graphql-java 12. Of course you do not have to create PRs yourself but it will be great if you create issues for changes/upgrades/features you would like us to address in our development (like upgrading to gql java 12).

Thanks :)