Endogen / Telegram-Kraken-Bot

Python bot to trade on Kraken via Telegram

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enea1982 opened this issue · comments

hello when I put python3 telegram_kraken_bot.py & to start the boto gives me this error

File "telegram_kraken_bot.py", line 12, in
from enum import Enum, car
ImportError: can not import name 'auto'

That's because you don't use Python 3.6 but most probably some earlier version. This is from the README:


Python version

You have to use Python 3.6 to execute the script (because of enum method auto()). If you would like to use Python 3.4 or 3.5, you have to remove auto from imports and set the values in WorkflowEnum and KeyboardEnum yourself. Python 2.x is not supported.

if you want to check your Python version, open a terminal and enter python3 --version

now I'm giving this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "telegram_kraken_bot.py", line 17, in
from telegram import KeyboardButton, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove, ParseMode
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'telegram'

with Python 3.6

sorry there is a fairy to install it on the pc goes but the smartphon of a friend of mine does not go as never ??

how can I start the bot for users who want to do treding

now I'm giving this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "telegram_kraken_bot.py", line 17, in
from telegram import KeyboardButton, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove, ParseMode
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'telegram'

you have to install the requirements. Please take a look at the README

how can I start the bot for users who want to do treding

you have to start the bot on a PC like this

if I try with another cell phone of a friend of mine the bot does not work instead on the computer and on my cell phone the bot works for me
how can I make the way other users enter to invest in the bot?

This is on purpose. Only one user (the one in the config) is allowed to use the bot. Out of security reasons.

If you want another user to use this bot, then you have two options:

  1. Set up your own Telegram account on the phone of your friend
  2. Start another bot with the new user ID and new bot token in the config

There was already discussion in the past to allow multiple Telegram users to use one bot but i haven't implemented it yet. I plan to do it but it will take time so this is not coming soon.

you will also collect referrals from the bot?


hi when i do deposit it tells me invalid api key how do you get the epi key?

Please read the README

or done as the rules said, but tell me! ️ EAPI: Invalid key?

or done as the rules said, but tell me! ️ EAPI: Invalid key?

it means that the API keys are not correct. are you sure that you copied the keys correctly?

sure I did copy and paste you can not go wrong

Have you checked all the checkboxes?
bildschirmfoto 2018-09-19 um 20 15 26

a question when you do the job in the bot so that users can invest in the bot?

not sure what you are asking... what do you mean with investing in the bot?

no to register other users in the bot?

make sure that other users can enter the bot to make them invest

oh ok. i'm not sure but it is not a priority for me now

this error [1] 2710
root@admin:~/Telegram-Kraken-Bot# Traceback (most recent call last):
File "telegram_kraken_bot.py", line 82, in
updater = Updater(token=config["bot_token"])
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/telegram/ext/updater.py", line 122, in init
self.bot = Bot(token, base_url, request=self._request)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/telegram/bot.py", line 108, in init
self.token = self._validate_token(token)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/telegram/bot.py", line 129, in _validate_token
if any(x.isspace() for x in token):
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

In the config file config.json there is this entry:

"bot_token" : "304028949:AAFXs8EbIkRw7oWkZ0O1t6vgMhWL3uQzUfo",

There you have to replace this value 304028949:AAFXs8EbIkRw7oWkZ0O1t6vgMhWL3uQzUfo with your bot token. You get the bot token when you talk to user @BotFather on Telegram. See this

The bot token value has to be in quotation marks

hello sorry on deposit me from no wallet fund?

sorry i don't understand...

when I make a deposit the bot tells me No wallet found

That's because you didn't generate a wallet on Kraken.com but that's what you have to do first. Anyway, i wouldn't use the bot for deposits and withdrawals. Better do that on the website and only trade with the bot.