Endogen / Telegram-Kraken-Bot

Python bot to trade on Kraken via Telegram

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

not working since kraken.com update

ratio91 opened this issue · comments


is it just me or does the program not work at all (does not start up) since kraken.com had its last major update?
already updated everything, no effect.

Should work just fine. Today or tomorrow i will release a bigger update (possible to trade to a different currency and not only to fiat currencies). I will make sure that it's working fine before releasing but again, for me everything works just fine.

If you don't want to wait, here is what you can do:

  1. remove the bot and the config
  2. download the newest version - not release 0.8.0, but newest version from master
  3. set up config again
  4. try it again :)

If that doesn't work, set log_to_file in config to true, start up the bot and after it doesn't work send me the logfile. But if you do that, please search for the bot-token in the logfile and remove it from there before you post the file here (the configuration is logged in the logfile)

Did you resolve your issue? I'm currently still bugfixing the new version


solved. thx!