EnableSecurity / wafw00f

WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website.

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[Bug] Incorrent handling for urls along with port

arbazkiraak opened this issue · comments

wafw00f http://jump-help.uber.com:8080

                  /      \
                 (  Woof! )
                  \  ____/                      )
                  ,,                           ) (_
             .-. -    _______                 ( |__|
            ()``; |==|_______)                .)|__|
            / ('        /|\                  (  |__|
        (  /  )        / | \                  . |__|
         \(_)_))      /  |  \                   |__|

                    ~ WAFW00F : v2.0.0 ~
    The Web Application Firewall Fingerprinting Toolkit
[*] Checking http://jump-help.uber.com:8080
ERROR:wafw00f:Something went wrong Failed to parse: http://jump-help.uber.com:8080:8080
ERROR:wafw00f:Site jump-help.uber.com appears to be down

Hey @arbazkiraak,

I appreciate your time for pulling this issue up. However, it seems that you are using an older version of wafw00f. I agree the bug can be reproduced in the previous version v2.0.0, but v2.1.0 fixes the bug appropriately via 8ee3790.

For me the output on the latest version is:

$ wafw00f http://jump-help.uber.com:8080

               /      \
              (  W00f! )
               \  ____/
               ,,    __            404 Hack Not Found
           |`-.__   / /                      __     __
           /"  _/  /_/                       \ \   / /
          *===*    /                          \ \_/ /  405 Not Allowed
         /     )__//                           \   /
    /|  /     /---`                        403 Forbidden
    \\/`   \ |                                 / _ \
    `\    /_\\_              502 Bad Gateway  / / \ \  500 Internal Error
      `_____``-`                             /_/   \_\

                        ~ WAFW00F : v2.1.0 ~
        The Web Application Firewall Fingerprinting Toolkit
[*] Checking http://jump-help.uber.com:8080
[+] Generic Detection results:
[-] No WAF detected by the generic detection
[~] Number of requests: 7

I'd recommend that you should use v2.1.0 where the issue can no longer be reproduced. Feel free to open this issue again if you run into problems. :)