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Authorize with your biometrics

ioavv opened this issue · comments

I can't log in on my Yoroi wallet on iphone 6s..

/the screen includes Authorize with your biometrics and use other login method which i can't click them too

also i don't find my recovery words and that's really important to me log in with my phone .. Please any way to solve that ?

HI, @itsemilano ! Can you plz try disabling biometrics in iOS settings completely, restarting the phone, and trying to open Yoroi again? The "other login method" should be working

@itsemilano , we have got confirmation from QA on what is causing this problem and will be working on improving the UI for this. This happens when you don't have any authentication method configured in your system at all, no pin-code, no face-id, no biometrics. You can resolve the problem by closing Yoroi, enabling at least one of the methods, and then opening Yoroi again

I did that.. I disabled my biometrics but doesn't work also my touch_id doesn't work .. I just wanna log in with the pin code like before .. Can it be solved ? Also as i found my recovery words of wallet it includes 12 words for Cardano(Ada) but in chrome it includes 15 words.

@itsemilano What pin code do you mean the iPhone pin code or the app pin code?

The app pin code i mean, my touch_id doesn't work and App only accepts authorize with biometrics at the moment

@itsemilano Could you please set a passcode for your iPhone?

I did the PassCode already

@vsubhuman I can confirm this happens on a phone with system passcode and Face Id enabled. I was using Yoroid authenticating with Face Id for months. Now I just see the "Authorize with your biometrics" screen.
If I disable biometrics just for Yoroi, I get a message saying "It seems that you turned off biometrics. Please turn it on"
If the fix is to completely disable biometrics in the phone, I think I'll pass 😉

I just installed Yoroi and see the same thing. I had pincode and touch Id enabled on the phone prior to installing Yoroi. Went through the "restore wallet" process, now it's stuck on the screen that says "authorize your biometrics" and the "use other login method" does nothing.

I've tried rebooting the phone but no difference.

This is now being investigated top priority

@itsemilano Could you tell the iOS version on the device, please?

@NachoCM Could you tell the iOS version on the device, please?

@lgarvey Could you tell the iOS version on the device, please?

14.6 (18F72)

@Nebyt 15.2 (19C57)

Just updated to 15.2 (19C56) and it's still broken

So is there any way to log in with only pin code ? The problem is that if I remove the app I’ll lost my ADAs.. also I just have 12 recovery words not 15 on chrome.. please if there is any solution let me know .. I really need help from the app’s developers

@itsemilano Could you tell the iOS version on the device, please?


@itsemilano If you have a 12-word recovery phrase it probably means you have an Ergo wallet. Please, open the Yoroi browser extension, select Restore, scroll down, select Ergo, and there select the "Enter a 12-word recovery phrase".

@itsemilano If you have a 12-word recovery phrase it probably means you have an Ergo wallet. Please, open the Yoroi browser extension, select Restore, scroll down, select Ergo, and there select the "Enter a 12-word recovery phrase".

Actually I’ve done and it was successful but my account balance is 0 because I’ve had only Cardano(Ada) and not any other coins.. I can show you the screens to be assure

@vsubhuman @Nebyt I'm having this same issue on my iPhone 13 Pro with iOS 15.2 and Yoroi Wallet version 4.5.2. Same situation, turning on/off biometrics does not do anything, still stuck on a screen that says "Authorize with your biometrics" "Welcome back" and a button at the bottom that says "USE OTHER LOGIN METHOD" that does not work at all...

Hoping somebody is able to find a fix for this soon.

Same Problem
iPhone 6S Plus
Yoroi says Authorize with your Biometrics, Welcome Back and a Button at the Bottom that says use other login method that does nothing there is also a an arrow that points back to where the wallet is supposed to be and it also doesn’t work.
How can this happen? What can we do?

There seems to be an unexpected incompatibility of some old code that always worked for us with no issues and some new OS updates, also seems to be only on some specific devices and/or system settings. We are working on fix at the moment which at least will unblock using the fallback pin-code method, in case biometrics fail for some reason. Then it should be easier for us to gather information and see what exactly is causing problems with the biometry itself

@Rigocola Could you remember please some additional details before the problem appeared? Maybe some biometrics changes or something else

@Rigocola Did you update the app? And what version of the app?


Ok, I had the same problem (iOS 15.2, iPhone 13 Pro) - Blue screen 'Authorize with your biometrics' with a button 'use other login method' on the bottom and back arrow on the top left, both not working.

I guess that I hadn't started the app since migrating to the new device, as there was no 'Face ID' option in the Yoroi section in iOS Settings.

Using iMazing, I extracted the data, modified the manifest.json file (specifically, changed acceptedTos to false) and re-installed Yoroi with the modified data using iMazing. This seemed to give the app enough time to ask for the permission to use Face ID and get in again.

Somehow, I seemed to have lost the recovery words for the Shelley wallet (my last recovery words were for the Byron wallet). As I could not find a an option in Yoroi to get the recovery words, I decided to move everything out of Yoroi and no longer use this wallet, but maybe my solution could help others.

@vsubhuman can we hope for the next update log in with the pin code ?
honestly I really need to access my ADAs :)
I believe you’re doing your Best anyway

I have problem with biometrics as well. And I have lost my seed phrase by mistake so there is no way to reinstall the app. Really frustrated these days. Hope to hear some good news from Yoroi team soon.

Happy holiday! And I wish you all the best and good success for 2022.

Version 4.5.3 is being released for iOS at the moment. Please check if the biometrics or at least the backup method will become usable for you after you update

I have checked app store but its still 4.5.2 version not 4.5.3
I’ll check again tomorrow (its midnight here) and let you know. Thank you for your help!

I have checked app store but its still 4.5.2 version not 4.5.3 I’ll check again tomorrow (its midnight here) and let you know. Thank you for your help!

App is still going through the review process. Apple app store might take time between the app is released and when it's available to the users.

I have same problem. iPhone 13 pro max, latest iSO, updated yoroi wallet 4.5.3 can't get in ... I tried all the things already mentioned .... other login methods do not work.


Yes, I have the same problem :(

@ikkyusojuna @ImGracePham Does any alert message appear after launching the app? Does the button "Try again" do anything?

@Nebyt when we click on use other login method, the error is: “Action failed, undefined: credentials not found”
And when we click on try again, the error is: “Biometrics was turned off”

I does nothing.. this repeat in circle ... I have turn on and off the biometrics.. BTW there is more people with this problem ... Other groups talking about it too... this is not the first thread I have found. Reinstalling with seed phrase does help apparently..
Action failed

@vsubhuman I can confirm this happens on a phone with system passcode and Face Id enabled. I was using Yoroid authenticating with Face Id for months. Now I just see the "Authorize with your biometrics" screen.
If I disable biometrics just for Yoroi, I get a message saying "It seems that you turned off biometrics. Please turn it on"
If the fix is to completely disable biometrics in the phone, I think I'll pass 😉

This is exactly what happened to me. Moved from iPhone SE (2nd gen) to iPhone 13 Mini. Tried to open app, got the blue screen quoted by others. Instead of being patient, I just deleted Yoroi mobile and reinstalled, thinking I could restore with my seed phrase.....only that didn't work either. I got a completely different address and no ADA or tokens.

@vsubhuman I can confirm this happens on a phone with system passcode and Face Id enabled. I was using Yoroid authenticating with Face Id for months. Now I just see the "Authorize with your biometrics" screen.
If I disable biometrics just for Yoroi, I get a message saying "It seems that you turned off biometrics. Please turn it on"
If the fix is to completely disable biometrics in the phone, I think I'll pass 😉

This is exactly what happened to me. Moved from iPhone SE (2nd gen) to iPhone 13 Mini. Tried to open app, got the blue screen quoted by others. Instead of being patient, I just deleted Yoroi mobile and reinstalled, thinking I could restore with my seed phrase.....only that didn't work either. I got a completely different address and no ADA or tokens.

Seed phrase did't work? wow that is strange ..... I will wait than

Using iMazing, I extracted the data, modified the manifest.json file (specifically, changed acceptedTos to false) and re-installed Yoroi with the modified data using iMazing. This seemed to give the app enough time to ask for the permission to use Face ID and get in again.

I'm trying this now, after restoring my phone to an earlier backup (from before migration to new phone).

I'm also seeing the "undefined: credentials not found" error.

any news on update?

any news on update?

Still under investigation (many staff members are off due to the holidays), important to note that when you backup your phone Apple doesn't include your keychain data into it. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203783. Therefore if by any reason the keychain sync was off when migrating phones, restoring backup or even changing the apple user, your app data will be there after restoring, but your keychain will be gone.

any news on update?

Still under investigation (many staff members are off due to the holidays), important to note that when you backup your phone Apple doesn't include your keychain data into it. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203783. Therefore if by any reason the keychain sync was off when migrating phones, restoring backup or even changing the apple user, your app data will be there after restoring, but your keychain will be gone.

so can I restore from seed?

Latest investigation shows at least part of the issues are related to this bug in react-native-keychain itself - oblador/react-native-keychain#428

New version 4.5.4 is being released at the moment that should fix this issue for any user for whom the main storage is still available so the keychain can be re-activated.

But it also seems that for some users the problem might be in the app not being able to access the storage at all, in which case there's not much that can be done, apart from the user having to restore all wallets from their secret words. We are still actively investigating these particular cases and checking if it might be related to iOS 15 only.

So far all users are advised to wait for the version 4.5.4 to see if this will resolve the problem. If not - in case when the secret words are available - unfortunately it is much easier to reinstall the app and restore wallets from the words, which seems to be resolving the issue completely (effects of iOS 15 are still being investigated).

Actually I tried the version 4.5.4 but that problem again and can’t reinstall the app honestly because of my ADAs .. it’s really painful for me
Anyway can we hopeful for the next updates ?
Just an idea, isn’t better to inform us about the related codes and bugs exactly.. we can share it to other experienced for contributing

@itsemilano What is the message on the "Try again" or use "Use other login method"?

We will be releasing a version that will allow users to set the PIN at startup when opening the app after disabling the biometrics on the phone that previously was set to authenticate with biometrics. Therefore, if the phone's local data is still consistent, it will resume back to normal after opening the wallet. Still, important to note that iOS 15 does have issues with app data. Many people are still reporting it. So please, always write down and back up the wallet mnemonic. We also encourage those who lost the mnemonic but still have access to the wallet to create a new wallet, write down and back up the new wallet mnemonic, only then, transfer the funds to the new wallet.

Hi all, just giving an update regarding update 4.5.4. I was getting unknown errors before and lost my phrases to my wallet. I am happy to report the new update resolved my issue and faceID worked and I was able to access my wallet!! Thanks so much for the Dev teams hard work!! Hope everyone else has similar luck!

@itsemilano What is the message on the "Try again" or use "Use other login method"?

The message for use other login method is the above I sent the screenshot and message for try again is “Biometrics was turned off, it seems that you turned off biometrics , please turn it on”.

I have updated 4.5.4 version and it works well.
I do appreciate your hardworking. Wish you all the best
Ps: I”ll take it as a lesson and be more careful with my seed phrases.

The update worked for me. I initially saw a dialog box to authorise face id, and and it's now working.

Guys for my phone that Touch ID doesn’t work and facing the issues yet do you have any suggestion ? Is there anyway to restore my ADAs ?

Hi @itsemilano! We have been working on a solution and we hope it will help you.

@itsemilano Please check out the latest version (4.6.0).

@itsemilano Please check out the latest version (4.6.0).

I checked the Latest version of App and it working well on my Phone :) Really Thanks and appreciate your Great Support.