EmpireProject / Empire

Empire is a PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent.

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Empire run error: No module named iptools

pawp81 opened this issue · comments

Empire Version


OS Information (Linux flavor, Python version)

Kali Linux
Python 3.7.5 & 2.7.17

Expected behavior and description of the error, including any actions taken immediately prior to the error. The more detail the better.

Successfully launching Empire by running ./empire

Screenshot of error, embedded text output, or Pastebin link to the error

./empire Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./empire", line 14, in
from lib.common import empire, helpers
File "/opt/Empire/lib/common/init.py", line 10, in
import helpers File "/opt/Empire/lib/common/helpers.py", line 58, in
import iptools
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'iptools'

Any additional information

All requirements seem to be satisfied: https://pastebin.com/hi6MtGnj

The error I was initially seeing was exactly the same as yours.

I was able to make it work by specifying which python I wanted to use pip on (python -m pip install)
Recent changes to pip have made this necessary.

Each time I ran ./empire I got a new module error and then installed one be one until I got a NoneType error and then switched to running ./setup/reset.sh . I continued this way until Empire start running properly.

All in all, here are the commands I had to run in order to load the dependencies.

python -m pip install iptools

python -m pip install netifaces

python -m pip install pydispatch

python -m pip install pydispatcher

python -m pip install zlib_wrapper

python -m pip install macholib

python -m pip install xlrd

python -m pip install xlutils

python -m pip install pyminifier

python -m pip install dropbox

Let me know if you get yours to work.


I moved forward by installing pip for python3.7
apt install python3-pip
pything3.7 -m pip install pip
And then the pre-requisites:
python3.7 -m pip install iptools
python3.7 -m pip install netifaces

Now I am getting the following error:
root@kali:/opt/Empire# ./empire
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./empire", line 1424, in
main = empire.MainMenu(args=args)
File "/opt/Empire/lib/common/empire.py", line 97, in init
(self.isroot, self.installPath, self.ipWhiteList, self.ipBlackList, self.obfuscate, self.obfuscateCommand) = helpers.get_config('rootuser, install_path,ip_whitelist,ip_blacklist,obfuscate,obfuscate_command')
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

right, same deal when I did mine--Thats the Nonetype error- now you'll need to load the dependencies for the DB -

run ./setup/reset.sh and load the dependencies like you have been doing.

@pawp81 @MthwBrwn This is the original Empire project repo. We are supporting the fork here:


we released a bug fix update last week that addresses this issue if you reclone the project

Thanks - I'll take a look.

pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt this will do the trick