EmpireProject / Empire

Empire is a PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent.

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Not being able to run empire

calebborst opened this issue · comments


I have installed all the requirements and done both of the setups but when i try run empire it dosent start and says:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./empire", line 13, in
from lib.common import empire, helpers
File "/root/Empire/lib/common/init.py", line 8, in
import helpers
File "/root/Empire/lib/common/helpers.py", line 50, in
import iptools
ImportError: No module named iptools

Please Help.

Please use the Github search function : #1320

pip install iptools

hey thanks but now im getting an error saying:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./empire", line 13, in
from lib.common import empire, helpers
File "/root/Empire/lib/common/empire.py", line 14, in
from pydispatch import dispatcher
ImportError: No module named pydispatch

I tried to do pip install it worked but this time it just says this.


You can keep doing pip install for each new import failure, but running setup/install.sh if you haven't already is a much faster solution.

What OS are you running? If you already ran setup/install.sh but it failed for some reason, pip install -r setup/requirements.txt should get you all the python packages you need.

Thanks I'm running kali linux and I've tried that and it didn't work I did the pip install on ip tools and it worked but the new one doesn't I'll try latter busy atm thanks :)

mr64bit I updated python and now it works and all the packs are installed :) but not its saying :

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./empire", line 1422, in
main = empire.MainMenu(args=args)
File "/root/Empire/lib/common/empire.py", line 92, in init
(self.isroot, self.installPath, self.ipWhiteList, self.ipBlackList, self.obfuscate, self.obfuscateCommand) = helpers.get_config('rootuser, install_path,ip_whitelist,ip_blacklist,obfuscate,obfuscate_command')
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

what could this be???

Fixed i got it I just did a reset from the setup folder and it worked and its running. Thanks to you all :)

  1. sudo pip install
  2. update python (I had python 2.7 then updated to 3)
  3. update pip (If needed)
  4. go to setup folder and type "sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt"
  5. now inside the setup folder type "sudo ./reset.sh"
  6. if empire starts type exit and try run from main folder, otherwise idk.
    Hope this helps someone that has this problem :)