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Why Windows 7 UAC bypass is not accomplished?

agrawalsmart7 opened this issue · comments

Hi, this is my environment.

attacker:- Kali linux(Empire)

Victim:- Windows 7

I got the agent with agent name. Then I renamed the original name to some other.

Next, When I type bypassuac http then it gives me this error or whatever you call.

Tasked <original name> to run Task_CMD_JOB

Agent <original name> tasked with task ID 8

Tasked agent <some other> to run module bypassuac_eventvwr

Now I saw in many blogs that in windows 7 they can easily privilege. Is there any problem with this. Am I missing something?

Also, this article says that Windows 7 is vulnerable to wscript privilege escalation attack. But still, I fail.


Is your agent administrator ?


Hi, Can I close this issue? Its solved now.
