EmergeTools / Pow

Delightful SwiftUI effects for your app

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preview crashes for all Views when I load library via SPM (Xcode 14 beta 5)

akardas16 opened this issue · comments

Yeah, that's a Known Issue, unfortunately. I'm hoping Apple will resolve this problem as there are quite a few people affected by this. Since it appears to work fine in Xcode 13, I'm inclined to consider this a regression on Xcode's side.

If you download the .xcframework file linked in the Package.swift, you can drag that into your project manually in which case the issue seems to resolve itself.

This seems to have been fixed as of Xcode 14.1 beta (14B5024h) – @akardas16 can yo confirm?

Confirmed this no longer is a problem as of Xcode 16.1 🎉